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Document and Reference Repository Developed initially for the Deep Creek Lake Watershed Management Plan (DCLWMP), 2013-2014. Revised (somewhat) and updated to support the execution of the DC Watershed Management Plan

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About This Website

The Deep Creek Lake Watershed Management Plan Steering Committee was formed under an agreement between the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the Board of County Commissioners of Garrett County, Maryland, to examine ways for maintaining and improving Deep Creek Lake and its watershed for its natural resources and recreational values, as well as its importance to the economy of Garrett County and the State of Maryland.

The development of the Deep Creek Lake Watershed Management Plan (the Plan) requires an examination of many issues, and those engaged in developing the Plan will be looking and extracting information from all kinds of documents and media sources. The purpose of this website is to be a repository system, a common access point, that collects, in one place, all of those documents and document references that play a role in developing the Plan.

This website serves as an adjunct to the DNR website also devoted to this project.

If you have any comments about this website and its content, please send them to the email address listed in the footer.